Demystifying the Garbage Collector: A Java Developer’s Guide

Demystifying the Garbage Collector: A Java Developer’s Guide

Unveiling the Magic Behind Memory Management in Java

Java applications, like any program, thrive on memory. But unlike us humans, Java lacks an inherent “clean-up crew” to manage its memory usage. That’s where Garbage Collection (GC) steps in, silently reclaiming unused memory and ensuring your applications run smoothly and efficiently.

This article aims to be your guide to understanding the often-mystifying world of Java GC. We’ll delve into its core concepts, explore different GC mechanisms, and equip you with the knowledge to monitor, optimise, and troubleshoot GC-related issues. By the end, you’ll have demystified this essential Java feature and be able to leverage it for optimal application performance.

So, buckle up and prepare to witness the magic of Garbage Collection in action!

Garbage in, Garbage Out? Not on Java’s Watch: Unveiling Unreachable Objects

Imagine a bustling city where resources are constantly allocated, but no one cleans up the unused ones. That’s what Java applications would face without Garbage Collection (GC). GC acts as the city’s sanitation department, automatically identifying and reclaiming garbage - objects that are no longer referenced and therefore useless. But how does it know which objects are truly trash?

Java employs a dynamic memory allocation system. When you create a new object, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) assigns it a dedicated space in memory, called the heap. This space is managed by references - think of them as arrows pointing to the object, indicating its usage. As long as at least one reference exists, the object remains in the heap. However, as your program evolves, references might change or become obsolete. An object without any references becomes unreachable, essentially turning into garbage. That’s where GC steps in.

Here’s how GC performs it magic:

  1. Marking Phase: GC scans the heap, identifying objects with active references and marking them as “reachable”. The rest, the garbage, remains unmarked.

  2. Sweeping Phase: GC sweeps through the heap and reclaims the memory occupied by unmarked objects. This frees up valuable resources for new object allocation.

Code Snippet:

public class GarbageExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s1 = "Hello"; // Creates an object with reference
    String s2 = new String("World"); // Creates another object with reference
    s1 = null; // Removes reference to s1
    System.gc(); // Triggers garbage collection (not guaranteed to run immediately)

In this example, s1 becomes garbage after the assignment s1 = null, as it no longer has any references pointing to it. GC can then reclaim its memory during the sweeping phase.

GC Algorithms: Unveiling the Different Ways Java Cleans Up

Just like different cleaning methods exist for different surfaces, Java offers various GC algorithms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s peek under the hood at two common ones:


This classic algorithm works like a diligent housekeeper. It marks reachable objects, then sweeps through the heap, collecting unmarked garbage. Finally, it compacts the remaining memory, reducing fragmentation and improving allocation speed.

Pros: Simple and efficient, especially for smaller heaps.

Cons: Sweeping can be time-consuming, leading to pauses in application execution. Fragmentation can also impact performance over time.

Code Snippets:

// Mark phase: Identify reachable objects
mark(object) {
  if (visited(object)) return;

// Sweep phase: Reclaim unmarked memory
sweep(object) {
  if (!marked(object)) {

Generational GC

This algorithm takes a more strategic approach, dividing the heap into generations. Young objects (newly created) reside in the young generation, while older survivors are promoted to the tenured generation. Each generation has its own GC policy:

  • Young generation: Collected frequency using a copying approach, which is fast but doubles memory usage temporarily.

  • Tenured generation: Collected less often using a mark-sweep-compact approach, minimising pauses but potentially leading to fragmentation.

Pros: Reduces overall GC pauses by focusing on short-lived objects in the young generation.

Cons: Requires more complex memory management and can be less predictable than Mark-Sweep-Compact.

Code Snippet:

// Young generation collection (frequent)
collectYoungGen() {

// Full GC (less frequent)
fullGC() {

Choosing the Right GC

The optimal algorithm depends on your application’s specific needs. Mark-Sweep-Compact might be suitable for smaller, latency-sensitive applications. For larger, long-running applications, Generational GC can provide better overall performance.

Remember: Most JVMs come preconfigured with an adaptive GC system that automatically chooses and adjusts the algorithm based on runtime behaviour.

Seeing the Unseen: Monitoring and Tuning Your Java Garbage Collector

Now that you’ve met Java’s silent guardian, the Garbage Collector (GC), it’s time to peek into its operations. By monitoring and tuning GC, you can ensure it runs smoothly, keeping your applications humming and your memory usage in check. Tools like VisualVM and JVisualVM offer a clear window into GC activity. These handy utilities display crucial metrics like GC time, the time spent performing collections, and heap usage, the amount of memory occupied by objects. By tracking these metrics over time, you can:

  • Identify potential issues: Sudden spikes in GC time could indicate memory leaks, while high leap usage might suggest inefficiency object allocation.

  • Evaluate GC effectiveness: Is the chosen algorithm performing optimally? Are collections happening too frequently or infrequently?

Armed with these insights, you can fine-tune your GC for better performance. While modifying GC settings can be complex, here are some basic tips:

  • Adjust heap size: Increase the heap size if you anticipate large objects or high memory usage, but be mindful of resource limitations.

  • Tweak collection thresholds: Modify thresholds for triggering specific GC collections based on your application’s memory access patterns.

  • Explore alternative GC algorithms: Consider switching between Mark-Sweep-Compact and Generational GC based on your application’s needs.

Remember: Tuning GC is an iterative process. Monitor, adjust, and repeat to find the sweet spot for your specific application.

Monitoring with JVisualVM and VisualVM

  1. Open JVisualVM and connect to your running Java application.

  2. Go to the “Monitoring” tab and select the “GC” tab.

  3. Observe metrics like “GC Time”, “Heap Usage”, and “Young Generation Occupancy”.

Remember, GC tuning is an iterative process. By understanding key metrics, utilising monitoring tools, and applying adjustments thoughtfully, you can empower your Java application to run like a well-oiled machine!

Simple Java Program Demonstrating GC

This program creates a loop that allocates and releases objects periodically simulating memory usage. It then uses System.gc() to trigger garbage collection and prints relevant statistics before and after collection.

public class SimpleGCMonitor {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        long initialFreeMemory = runtime.freeMemory();
        long initialTotalMemory = runtime.totalMemory();

        System.out.println("Before GC:");
        System.out.println("Free memory: " + (initialFreeMemory / 1024 / 1024) + " MB");
        System.out.println("Total memory: " + (initialTotalMemory / 1024 / 1024) + " MB");

        // Simulate some memory usage
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            Object obj = new Object();

        System.gc(); // Trigger garbage collection

        long finalFreeMemory = runtime.freeMemory();
        long finalTotalMemory = runtime.totalMemory();

        System.out.println("After GC:");
        System.out.println("Free memory: " + (finalFreeMemory / 1024 / 1024) + " MB");
        System.out.println("Total memory: " + (finalTotalMemory / 1024 / 1024) + " MB");

        System.out.println("Memory reclaimed: " + ((initialFreeMemory - finalFreeMemory) / 1024 / 1024) + " MB");


  1. This program gets the initial free and total memory using Runtime.getRuntime().

  2. It allocates a bunch of objects to simulate memory usage.

  3. It prints the memory statistics before triggering garbage collection with System.gc().

  4. It retrieves the memory statistics again after the collection.

  5. Finally, it calculates and prints the amount of memory reclaimed by the GC.

GC Gremlins: Taming Common Issues in Java

Java’s Garbage Collector (GC) strives for efficiency, but even the best heroes face challenges. Let’s tackle two common GC issues and equip you with solutions to keep your applications running smoothly.

Gremlin #1: Full GC Pauses - The Lag Monster

Imagine your application freezes momentarily. This could be a Full GC pause, where the entire heap undergoes collection. While infrequent, they can be disruptive.


  • Memory Pressure: Insufficient heap space can trigger Full GC. Monitor heap usage and consider adjustments if necessary.

  • Large Objects: Allocating large objects infrequently can lead to Full GC. Explore alternative data structures or object pooling techniques.


  • Increase Heap Size: If justified by your application’s needs, adjust the maximum heap size using the -Xmx flag.

  • Optimise Object Allocation: Refactor code to avoid large object creation and promote efficient memory usage.

Gremlin #2: Memory Leaks - The Clingsy Companions

Objects that linger even when no longer needed create memory leaks, impacting performance and stability.


  • Unclosed Resources: Resources like files or database connections can leak if not properly closed. Use try-with-resources or implement proper closing logic.

  • Circular References: Objects unintentionally referencing each other can create a chain that GC can’t reclaim. Review object relationships and break unnecessary cycles.


  • Use Memory Profiling Tools: Tools like JProfile or YourKit can pinpoint memory leaks and identify problematic objects.

  • Enforce Coding Practices: Adopt coding practices like null checks and resource management to prevent leaks from the start.

Code Snippets:

// Improper resource closing:
public void readFile() {
  FileReader reader = new FileReader("data.txt");
  // ... read data ...
  // reader is never closed!

// Circular reference:
public class A {
  private B b;
  public A(B b) {
    this.b = b;

public class B {
  private A a;
  public B(A a) {
    this.a = a;

Remember, proactive monitoring, understanding common issues, and applying best practices can keep your GC running smoothly and your application performing at their best!

Taming the Memory Beast: Your GC Journey Concludes

So, you’ve embarked on this journey to demystify the Java Garbage Collector (GC). And hopefully, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to navigate its intricacies and optimise your applications for peak performance.

Remember, GC plays a crucial role in Java’s memory management, silently reclaiming unused resources and ensuring smooth operation. By understanding its core concepts, algorithms, and monitoring techniques, you can:

  • Identify and address GC-related issues like memory leaks and long pauses.

  • Fine-tune GC parameters to cater to your application’s specific needs.

  • Write more efficient and memory-conscious code that minimises GC overhead.

This journey doesn’t end here. Dive deeper into the vast resources available - explore GC documentation, experiment with different tools and settings, and contribute to the Java community discussions. Remember, the more you understand GC, the more you empower your Java applications to soar!

Additional Resources: